Sheetfed Printing

Fast and efficient delivery of print-ready plates - from the register punching and bending system to intelligent plate sorting with trolley management, under the motto "Plate On Demand" we offer comprehensive solutions for sheet-fed printers. As a system supplier with the know-how from many successful installations worldwide we are your experienced partner for plate automation solutions, especially when you are working with a combination of sheet-fed and web offset presses.

Challenge us, when it comes to coping with increasing plate volumes, secure assignment of the right printing plates at the right printing press, separating plate sets by print job, or eliminating scratches and other damage to your plates.

Your emphasis is on packaging or continuous form printing? No problem - our Plate On Demand concept will convince you!

Plate Automation with Plate On Demand

Register Punching and Bending Systems

Quality Assurance, Process Stability & Software

Plate Transport & Sorting